We're excited to announce our newest Servokit R5, featuring our latest motor controller, the Tinymovr R5.
Servokit R5 is a compact and powerful setup. The footprint of the mount and controller has been reduced from the previous revision, enabling the mount to be almost completely hidden behind a 50xx-sized motor (56mm dia.). The mount is also sturdier, and offers better mounting options, with 4x M2.5 threaded holes.
All connection sockets are conveniently exposed on the back of the Tinymovr PCB for easy access. Servokit R5 comes with power leads attached enabling a flexible yet lightweight setup.
Together with the Servokit you get a 3D-printed stand that enables instant experimentation, while being easily removable should you need to integrate Servokit with your setup.
The Servokit is immediately available with a lightweight MAD Components 5005 motor, and we'll be offering more motor options in the near future, so stay tuned!